Indigenous Legal Scholars invited to Roundtable on UNDRIP Join the dialogue on Canada's action plan to meet UNDRIP's objective on First Nation control of First Nation education - Monday, Dec. 5
Strong Indigenous women advise on Canada's UNDRIPA plan Indigenous Rights activist Jeannette Corbiere Lavell was one of several speakers at a recent Gathering Circle to discuss the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) as it relates to education.
FNWSC participates in Global Indigenous Education Conference Last month, the Collective gave a presentation on community lawmaking in First Nation education at the World Indigenous Peoples Conference On Education (WIPCE 2022) in Adelaide, Australia.
Report explores integrating the traditional practice of Naming into curriculum Part of the FNWSC Curriculum Framing Research Initiative
Students connect to culture at Bkejwanong Territory With few language-based curriculum materials, educators use the land as their resource
'We have to create speakers' How can First Nations integrate full language immersion into daily schooling? We asked Barbara Nolan, Language Commissioner for Anishinabek Nation.
Why sharing school stories is a priority for Wiikwemkoong WBE Communications Officer Dwayne Animikwan says students and community benefit from shared stories.
Sagamok Anishnawbek to break ground on new school The new building will be located next to Elders Eagle Lodge, and will present an opportunity for the community to 'be well.'
This Anishinaabemowin program is a ‘community initiative’ The language program at Wiikwemkoong Board of Education supports the strategic plan of Chief and Council. Program Manager Sandra Peltier tells us what makes it work.
Information-sharing with Chiefs of Ontario “This gives us an opportunity to look at the resources we have within our community." - Sagamok First Nation Chief Alan Ozawanimki